Wednesday, July 02, 2008

Excerpt from VCC July Newsletter

Luke 18:8b ... Nevertheless when the Son of man cometh, shall he find faith on the earth?

This question should evoke a response like we see on TV when people have just taken a drink of soda, something totally outrageous is said and they spray their drink uncontrollably all over their computer.

This question is a razor sharp, large needle that should pierce right through to your heart. It should split right between our joint and bone marrow. (Hebrews 4:12) This question should give some readers a very queasy feeling inside. Tell your spouse, “Honey, I have to go lay down for a while, and ponder the condition of my soul.” Jesus wonders aloud, “When I return to this earth, will I find any people in the faith?” WOW!

Too quickly, many dismiss this question with a half-hearted shrug of the shoulders because it certainly couldn’t be talking about me. For crying out loud, I have done MANY wonderful works, I have taught Sunday School, I have taken in foster children, and cared for the less fortunate of the world. At the very least, you are in the top 25% overall of the people in my church…

But DO YOU KNOW CHRIST? Do you want your life saturated with the presence of the Holy Spirit and Holiness? Do you want to be where the means of grace are made available to the people of God? Are you in love with the world? Let me ask you that again, only this time, let us submit for evidence, your checkbook and calendar of how you spend your time! With these in view, let us restate the question, Do you love Christ more than yourself? Do you love Him more than camping and your job, and money and family? Do you love Jesus Christ enough that you deal with sin in your life on a regular basis? Jesus asked Peter, Do you love me more than these? More than what? More than everybody else that claims to love Him.

If you are not on the mailing list for our Newsletter and would like to be added, let me know.

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