Saturday, April 19, 2008

Conference Re-cap

Together for the Gospel was a tremendous Conference. I enjoyed it a great deal.

By far the best speaker was John Piper. That guy preaches like he is fighting bees. And he and Mahaney were the only ones who expositionally preached from a text.

Al Mohler was WAY over most people's heads. He was hard to follow. We all agreed that he is in favor of penal substitution but other than that, I couldn't tell you much of what he said. Mark Devers talk was deep as well and I was hoping it would have been an exposition of a text rather than a theological talk.

I got a ton of books, which was great. And was pleased to see a good number of Evangelical
Free guys there. Maybe I will go to an E-Free conference one of these days.

You can find a great summary of a live blogger who was there Here and/or Here
Here are all the audio's
Good to be home. Next year, it's off to the Piper conference.


Ryan Boomershine said...

I had a free ticket. I wish I could have made it.

Joe VonDoloski said...

Next time, contact your good buddy Joe and plant that free ticket seed.

Your turn to the 'dark side' of reformed theology might have been complete Ryan had you attended.

Now, you must face Vader.