Thursday, March 20, 2008

Lark News

Thomas Nelson cuts Amos and Nahum, shrinks Leviticus in new Study Bible

NASHVILLE — Responding to reader surveys, Thomas Nelson Inc. will begin issuing its popular New Living translation of the Bible minus minor prophets Amos and Nahum. "People just weren't reading them, so it was a fairly easy business decision," says Phyllis Bremley, director of the publisher's Bible arm. "We're not saying those books aren't part of the canon, it's just that if people want to read them they'll have to find them elsewhere." Editors also took their red pens to Leviticus, nipping and trimming "the stuff that has absolutely no relevance to modern American life," says Bremley. "Leviticus reads better in abridged form. There's more storyline." The publisher argues the changes will help more people read through the Bible. A committee is also researching the possibility of condensing certain "repetitive psalms," and merging I and II Kings and I and II Chronicles. Nelson will continue to publish the traditional Bible with all 66 books under the name "Classic Bible."


Arthur Sido said...

Heck, why not just stop printing Bibles full of big words and just print business cards with John 3:16on them? Think of all of the paper we could save.

Joe VonDoloski said...

Larknews is a satire site (satire is the fancy name for sarcasm). by poking fun at stuff they make great points.

Arthur Sido said...

I guess I should have followed the link before posting. What is sad is that I wasn't horribly shocked that someone would do that in a world where the Word of God is so devalued.